went to "rush" today with a bunch of unimates after the final paper..
this is my first time to "rush" and my conclusion is "it sucks big time"
sorry if it offended anyone but techno music is really not my kind of music..techno is suitable for guys to move(provided they can la) but not really nice for girls unless you are either damn good or you simply appreared slutty..watch those girls who dance in "for ah beng's car's hi-fi blasting" music mtv...man you know what i mean..i almost strangled myself to death tonite when i know sigh-ing is no longer an option..
next there are guys that actually went up to those girls (who are working there as dancer i assume) and starts "picking water" on them...shit these ppl...
it was so bored that a few of us stop moving after an hour or so..i quit..man, it is no fun at all.....the place is surrounded with "seafood" (if you dun know what i mean well too bad..)..shit with the ge de bak, ge de buk, bing bing bang bang duh.....magine when they starts playing the "crazy frog "song, everyone yelled and "bing bing"with the frog...i sure miss the song "it's getting hot in here"....man all i can see is "rush" consists of a different class of people, different channel, different wave, different culture at least from mine.....haih..almost forgotten they played the "ymca" song too..aiseh..walau eh..speechless..
worst still there are bunch of "dd" doing street dance along with techno music...and things got worst when ppl starts gathering around them to see their "solo performance"..man, the dj even spinned the record for them..damn it i pay too k..where my music???!haih..
but nevertheless, luckily i have a bunch of crazy mates to be with..the dim sum breakfast at jalan ipoh sure makes up for everything that went wrong at "rush"...shall miss you all..take care..
p/s: "rush" is not my kind of culture..
p/s gain: this is the first time me paying to go clubbing usually frens bought me there..and tonite it sure does not value for my money..
p/s again n again: though i dun go clubbing often but man i club enough to know what is hot and what is not..
Saturday, April 29, 2006
graduation celebration
heart to heart by
6:29 AM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
tomolo is the end and the beginning..
tomorrow is the last day of our exam..which is also the last day of my uni life..can't believe that 3 years has past...there are countless of happiness and sadness but memory should be sweet..i shall remember only the sweet ones..
fellow unimates: what can i say..thanks a bundle..you coloured my life..
but most of all, i met a wonderful guy. he had stand by, helped, supported, take care, protected and loved me the entire 3 years...can't imagine life without him..
after tomorrow, it will be a new beginning for my fellow friends, for myself and also for me and my dearest...
heart to heart by
8:58 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
thank you..
dear bought me alot of junk food today!!! too much in fact!!!!
i'm on diet actually and this is not helping at all haih...
but nevertheless, that's very sweet of him.. thinking back, ping used to get me these during my first year of uni..i was alone in KL (my hostel especially because all my frens are in different colleges)..he used to bought me bread, gardenia sardine bread and he'll wait at my downstairs when he knows that i din have my dinner (cox no one accompany me, plus i'm a newbie..)
he was very shy then but very sweet..
he is very shy too now and when he gave me these today, i was very very happy..he gave me back the feeling of being cared and pampered like once before...thank you...
heart to heart by
12:16 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit..
dear father in heaven,
dear Lord, i thank You for showering me with love
through the angel that you've sent
my angel gave me hope,
he gave me love,
he showed me once what is happiness...
please now i ask for Your guidance
i ask for the strenght
guide me along the path..
show me the way for You know what is best..
Thank You Lord, in Your name i pray
heart to heart by
7:39 PM
1 blinkblink(s)
Monday, April 24, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
to break or not to break..
during a yamchar section last week..we talked about telling someone to break up/not telling someone to break up..
my arguement:
sometimes,break up is not entirely not good. Who knows by breaking up it will do both party good?Moreover, often than not, most who wish to break up mainly because they have came to the edge of the relationship, they no longer feels the commitments in the relationship and they no longer see the once "shared-dream-future".
but somehow, knowing that the beat has stop, reality hits yet we are afraid to break up.This is because, we get too used to the idea of having someone to dine with us, to go to the cinema with us, to accompany us whenever we go, to lend us the shoulder to cry on and the hugs that keeps us warm.
we are afraid to be alone. And sure enough, the moment you say goodbye, things starts to fall apart. the computer broke down, the flush is not working, the tv, the fan, the air-cond, the door..everything just seems to go wrong, leaving you feeling even worst.All of the sudden, every songs you listen to seems to be singing specially for you.
but if you manage to go through that phase..looking back..yes, you had love him deeply once before ... as for the future, it is up to you,who knows you'l fall in love again..
as for me, i wish to live and to love without guilt and without regrets.
heart to heart by
5:22 PM
1 blinkblink(s)
Friday, April 21, 2006
dedicated to jason
saw d slide show of nee's pic from jason's blog only to inspire me to make a slide of my own uni classmates on d header..thanks jason and thanks to slide.com kekekeke
heart to heart by
3:33 PM
1 blinkblink(s)
tell me please...how am i suppose to enjoy the movie?
went to see the movie "reincarnation" at midvalley last night..and before i proceed to the movie review, let me just briefly tell you a story that happened in the cinema at that time..
a row at the back (a whole gang of family, including the parents, the girls n thier bros/bfs, aunties and uncles..a big family in short)
d kid : talking aloud "eei...i scared la~~i scared la~~"
d mum: no need to be afraid one..no ghost one..hahaha
d kid: yelling, playing, walking around..
d mum: the ghost come already..okokok no ghost d, open your eyes la..
d mum: munch munch munch pop corn..sip d coke loudly "sip sip sup sup" the burp 3 times loudly "er..er...er.."
d kid: i dun wanna sit with daddy...i dun wan..'start yelling'
d mum: you want 'nen nen'????? (milk)
the sound of bag, plastic, zip.."zip zip zup zup si li sha la bing bing bang bang"
d mum even talk to the movie..remember the nokia's advertisement?
noted, they talked and yelled at normal tone from the begining of the movie till the end...the kid perhaps i can forgive..the adults...don't you think you should do something..plus how did you managed to sneak a little boy in?
on our right side, a gang of four guys..
3/4 hour into the movie..toilet..
1 went...2 mins later another then when they came back..instead of sitting back again quietly, that guy actually jump and slammed his butt on the sit..imagine the sound "puff " from the sit can be heard.. *shaked head*
on our left...a couple
every scene..read my lips every scene..
the girl =" why a??"" why like that a??""why the ghost came back a?"
d bf : bcox...bcox...bcox...
in few row in front a couple..
in the middle of the movie, when the kid and the mum at the back finally stop talking as if they are at their own house for a second, the guys on the right stop going to the toilet, the couple on the left stop the Q&A section...when the ghost seems to about to appear...
"ai mei rang ren sou jing wei qu..." the couple's mobile phone rings...worst still it has a chinese popular young cutie type of (Rainnie Yang) singer's song played about a verse of the song..haih...*sweat*
and as for me through the whole night, i experienced "bang head, stump chest, vomit blood, high pressure and heart attack"
tell me please...how am i suppose to enjoy the movie? haih~~
bk to the movie review:
story line: not bad
directing: i kinda like the style
scary part: not much (nothing too shocking like a sudden bang and so on)
other comments : abstract and some zombie part that i think a bit out of place..i prefer ghost that sneak/fly/hang/stand/ whatever behind the actors/actress..
heart to heart by
11:58 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
KFC O.R Chicken Chop
pic taken from theedgedaily.com
i saw the advertisement on The Star today and the moment i saw it, i knew tonight i'm gonna have KFC for my dinner.. KFC has launched a new product called O.R Chicken Chop..
considering KFC as self-claimed "the chicken expert", i have high expectation on how delicious the chicken chop will be..
so off i went to KFC for take-away....and as curious and anticipate as i am, the blue-coloured box (i thought i had order filet o-fish instead) containing my dinner seems like a birthday present for me....
if you notice, the take-away packaging usually has slogan at the side of the box, same goes with this one..unlike the usual "finger's licking good" and "what's your KFC moment"they had even created a new slogan for it..it is call "treat yourself everyday"..
the moment i opened up d box, i was dissapointed..not only did the "piece of chop" is so small, the flavor does not seems to uphold the name of "the chicken expert"..it tasted normal and i have to say even the one i had in ss2 tasted so much better. moreover, it doesn't even value for money since it is costing much more (rm.9.90) than the normal ones(rm6.80 for 2 pieces of chicken set)
like the previous burger , the one that is as small as a primary school kid's palm....that one was a BIG BIG dissapointment..and now the O.R CHICKEN CHOP is again another BIG BIG dissapointment...i wonder what is going on with our "chicken expert"?
can't help feeling "trick yourself everyday" instead of "treat yourself everyday"..
P/S: 'KFCH had allocated about RM5 million for advertising and promotion of the new product' -The Edge Daily
i think they better use that money to do some R&D (Research n Development) instead for their poor performance.
BTW,they dun even update thier official website..how pathetic..
heart to heart by
9:05 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
first day battle..
today is the first day of my final examination which also mark the starting towards the ending of my university life (*cross fingers* pass pass pass!!)
i don't think i did well today..i hate it when the idea just don't flow..you know, like pirated cd when it failed to run smoothly..aiseh..sien nia...the moment when the idea stop flowing,the clock is ticking and the pen is hanging in the air...shit!
but again the past remain as past, finished all d questions..did my best (perhaps not my best yet)... and have to prepare for the second paper on thursday...GAMBADEH, GAMBADEH GAMBADEH!!!!!
p/: not really in d mood, don't know why...,,i wonder if clubbing will help? kekekekeke
heart to heart by
1:09 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
cognitive dissonance..
the more u know a bout law..the more u r aware of not breaking them..
haih...what about the freedom of speech?????
when u have ISA to control wat u write or said..
u will no longer able to appreciate the freedom of speech...
just take it as if u don't know about the law???
no chance..there's no such thing like 'i dunno ma' answer in d court.. too bad..
d deal is..
hold hands= sex education (a)
x holding hands =sex education (b)
a+b = major cognitive dissonance
heart to heart by
10:04 AM
Friday, April 14, 2006
iceage2:the meltdown..
watched iceage2; the meltdown..hahahah very very funny...found myself falling in love not only with SID but with another 2 newcomer, EDDIE and CRASH!!!they are hilarious!!!hehehe
u know how usually movies with several episodes like spiderman 1,2 or even 3 or shreak 1, 2..some people can tell which one they prefer..but for this one..i love both of them...compared to the first iceage, iceage 2 has a different kind of sense of humour in it (watch eddie n crash n you'll know what i mean)....
recommended..should watch ~~
by the way, i'm back in kl again..final begin next week and i have yet touch my notes..guess Armageddon came sooner than i thought..
heart to heart by
5:08 PM
1 blinkblink(s)
Thursday, April 06, 2006
a tribute to JR1...
this is my last sem n soon v r graduating soon..it has been a ride full of ups n down...there are moments of sadness, misunderstanding but most of all there are buckets n buckets of joy...in d past years it has been wonderful for v started off not knowing each other til v finally know n now it feels hard to let go a bunch of crazy mates..
will forever remember what we had gone through and we had accomplished...a freaking funny n wonderful friendship...thank you girls n guys~~
on my birthday..thanks for celebrating it leh~so kam tung..
v decided not to smile..
wat can i say......u made my uni life so so beautiful....thank you! i'l always remember those laughters, trips, sing k, steamboats, yamchar n etc etc etc...thanks 4 d friendship..take care ya~~
heart to heart by
3:56 PM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
this joker is finally home after spending around 5 years furthering his study and work in Taiwan .. he got himself promoted and his application to transfer back to singapore has finally succeded..CONGRATULATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bro, have a safe and comfortable journey home ya~ *saying a prayer*
we miss you lots!!!!!
love, sis kaisim..
p/s: wonder if this bro of mine brought me any presents hehehehe *grin*
*pic concept inspired by karencheng*
heart to heart by
1:51 AM
Monday, April 03, 2006
your finger has a story to tell..*updated
people say your faith lies in your hand..chinese believed that your palm hold the greatest secret about yourself..each line tells a story...so does yr fingers..
ping and i read (okok he read, i listened)...so we saw this topic in a chinese forum.
it stated that we can know our past by counting the strokes (bi hua) available in our chinese name..for example my surname 何 has 7 strokes and my bf's surname 王 has 4 strokes....
in your past, you could be a human, deity, ghost or an animal and by counting your fingers, you will know...
pls refer to the picture above....
little finger (1)=deity (神仙)** sorry, it should b deity instead of human as previously stated
ring finger (2)=human **correction
middle finger (3)=ghost
forefinger (4)=animals
get d total of strokes available in yr name (full name) to find out which one you were..using your thumb, start counting from the little finger towards your index finger.. you know how people in those kung fu movies count using their fingers?! aiseh that style la ya~
anyway continue counting starting back from d little finger again after you had reached your index finger..your little finger now wil be at num 5 during the second round of counting..
the total num of strokes in my chinese name = 23 strokes..
my bf =21 strokes..
that means in our past....
i was a ghost..
my bf was a so called deity..
damn....why am i always the bad one?? ('___')'''
have fun!!!
p/s: nice ma the pic? i like the way i photoshopped it hehehe..
heart to heart by
12:12 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
i will b graduating in less than a month...i had finally finished my degree course in journalism and am fully prepared for d working world..i dun mind working, infact if there's no work for me i do think n i'l go crazy..i had sent out a few applications and yet i have yet heard from any of it...
sometimes i wonder what is it like to work? i mean, working as in permenantly.. in the past, i always worked part-time during holidays n d idea of going bk to sch/uni excite me cox i'l be meetin again wit my bunch of frens and there'l b more crazy activities coming up... this time, it'l b different, i shall part with my uni mates and there is no more ''sch reopen" for me..
i wil no longer have semester break to spend some time with my family and indulging myself in tons of hong kong drama and yam char-ing til late at nite..there shall be no 'tiill vvvvvv hours' msn chatting for me anymore...i no longer can go bk hometown twice a month or every weekend..plus financial planning wil soon become my major in 'working course'..i need to spend wisely bcox i shall start contributing to d family....moreover, i have to save for my future planning....life goes on...but nevertheless...
i am prepared and i am ready...
heart to heart by
1:13 PM
Saturday, April 01, 2006
xmas tree..
i was looking at some of my uni pics (our gathering, trips, n other pics)when i saw this... this is d pic that my classmates saw smthg next on the xmas tree..i stil dun get it? if u c anything...pls let me know...
heart to heart by
2:13 PM