Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Failure is a fact or option?

Failure is an option and why is that? First of all, failure is a very subjective matter. To each and every person 'failure' could bring a different meaning. There are some who did not receive any higher education and yet they had succeed in life and has become one of the richest or even most influential man/woman in the world. Take Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey and even J.K Rowling. Harry Potter sure does some magic.

There are many times in life that we really wish we could say 'It's enough', but we know we can choose to see a circumstances differently and how we see or what we think will define our next step. We have given ourselves a choice. Since life is about choices and why is failure not one of them?

How many of the 100 Times Most Influential People In The World actually have someone guiding and even telling them how to be successful. They are who they are today because they are who they choose to be. They had refused to bow down to faith and they had proven that failure is definitely an option.

They says failure is "the condition or FACT of not achieving the desired end or ends" but I say, a failure is someone who no longer has dreams, passion and meanings in their life when one failed to see the miracle out of the ordinary and see the best out from the worst cirsumstances. Failure is an option.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

writing a book..

Have you ever wonder if you can write? Write as in writing a book. I always have this thought that “if I can write a book?”

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

heaven on earth...

Welcome to my heaven on earth..
*though the one at home is my actual heaven but in KL, here's where i find myself being totally and truly myself*

Let me give ya a tour..

this is my room in kl..

this is where i enjoy my beauty sleep kekeke..

my side table..

my dressing table..

latest wall of fame next to my bed kekeke

hehehe got extra time lately so can blog a bit while hunting for jobs~

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

hell on earth..

Welcome to the hell on earth... a place that i will be leaving very soon hehhee.. i did learn alot from here in fact, chances were good and i have the best boss in town. However, it is certainly a place where u met all and deal with all kinds of ppl..

This is my table..

This is the side table..

The top corner of my monitor, kisses from ping and a cute little blue man by nee nee..thank u!!

mouse pad by ping..very sweet of him :)

my glass, my lucky pinkie, my green colour plant and my little turtle hehehe

close up~

Close up~

xmas present from ping n wanying~

my first and best concert~

my last and most experiences gained concert..

coming up next...heaven on earth hehehe

Monday, July 23, 2007

finally...i had decided..

many knew how unhappy i was for the past year and my final say is that I've tried and I had did my best..

It's a relieve actually..it feels like the end..finally...

but of course it's a beginning as well.. another job hunting phase *sigh* * smiling*.. as much as i hated those endless interviews but leaving here perhaps is a 'sooner or later' decision to make..

here it goes again..starting everything over again..hopefully my next destination will be a much happier one..

thank you to all frens that has dropped by msn today, girls...thanks!! love you all... *muacks!!!*

i believe i will have a good night sleep tonight.. :)

p/s: where do u find buddies that willl watch out vacancies for you and to hunt jobs for you on behalf ? thank you girls, appreciate and touched in d heart , n no where else...it makes today a much happier day..

Sunday, July 15, 2007


these few days has been realli weird...
been feeling as though something is missing..

it's kinda a distorted situation i would think..
erm...imagine, I've been thinking hard..not exactly thinking HARD but been having lots of wonder about many things..like..

1) how does it feels admiring one again? erm...the excitements and little things one do just blow you off hahahha
2) how does it feels to be at England? i wanna be there not just for holiday but being there as residents..weird..i was never came across as someone who will migrate...n if i do, the far-est i can go would be spore..
3) In fact i've been thinking about going 2 US? Adeline, i'll come n find u one day when my financial allows me to..
4) thinking of earning and spending at the same time.. gosh..this is damn conflicting..

and the bizarre ones would be..

1) how does it feels being in harry potter's world? in real life i mean..
2) what if there realli is a wizard world..erm...am i actually a pure blood or half blood? or as not suprising as it is i'm just an ordinary muggle who wish to be a wizard kekeke
3) if i am in d wizard world, r there realli lots of "the good vs bad" fighting? erm..no doubt in the real world, it is such so that people are fighting among oneself also...
4) my heart actually feels heavy ,thinking harry potter is about to end at book 7....

man, i must be going nuts..

btw, watched harry potter and the order of the pheonix..love it!