This post might be offensive or disturbing to some however again, this is my blog.i hope if ever you've came across this post, read it with an open heart and mind for everyone has their own believe and thinking which has no right or wrong to it.
when was the last time did i say my prayer? i can't remember. is it true that people will only seek for God in the mist of misery? And is it true that God will always listen to those who wish to seek for Him?
Faith is not something something that you can have or get anytime as you wish.Faith is a bond, a feeling,a connection that is build from time to time, from miracles to miracles and from each blessing that you've counting day by day.It is through prayer that i have my faith and it is through all the miracles and blessings,i have my faith strengthen.
I do feel bad at times that i will only remember God when i am lost or when all of a sudden i know i must praise the Lord for every blessing that i've received. I thank God all the time,(i know i have so much more to thank of and i couldn't thank enough)..however,i failed to keep praying every night.
Those who are close to me always ask and wonder if i am a Christian. I never say No neither have a i say Yes. But i always say, i believe in Jesus and I seek for him for i know he will keep me blessed and he will love me, and those that i love dearly always.I know i can always look for Lord as he is always there and he is in my heart.
It has occured to me these two days on how long have i say my prayer and i hope in days to come, i shall say my prayer more often again. Laziness please please go away.
In the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Dear Father in heaven, Lord Jesus, please forgive me for my sin and also for those that has sin against me.Dear Lord, i thank you for all the blessing and love that you have showered upon me and those around me. Dear Lord, i pray for the best of health, safety and happiness to surround,dad, mum,my brothers,sheau hooi,ping, ping's mum and his family, my family and our friends. May my dear friend will be able to find the light in her life and may Lord bless and guide her along the way.I Thank you Lord for all that you given. Amen.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saying a little prayer..
heart to heart by
2:09 PM
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all will be well.
sa: hahaha no worries, not me la~ jus saying that i lama din pray lol.. feel bad~