Sunday, October 28, 2007

the green ball that turn me into mutan..

i went to Midvalley today with lly and we were just plainly doing window shopping when i came across this at teddy tales.. It's a green ball in a net, it's almost like a stress ball..i was kinda excited about it cause it looked extremely disgusting yet happily, i bought it home and can't wait to release my stress on it hahaha look at the video to find out how it is actually...

just look at close up, it looks like a brain and from the second pic, it looks like a snake head to me..eeeiiii i hate snake! i hate them big i started to squeeze hard but however, it seems only one of the ballon pop-out instead of how it should be like in the video...then, it burst! damn it! there goes the ball and my money within 5 mins and the news is the stress is still stressing in me..&*%$#

it's ocean green gel was all over my palm..then i try to close my that times, it actually looked like as though i'm one of the mutan in x-men, dripping green blood after being attacked by a green giant monster that looks like a ball..ARGGGGGG....

i fought! i fought hard but yet i lost and there i was lying next to that BLOODY STUPID BALL dying from excessive lost of blood......

okie... okie.. i exaggerated but hey, i've just lost my new toy, so it doesn't hurt to have some role play with the damn ball before it ended in the waste basket rite....


  1. Serve you right for squeezing too hard. Must be gentle to the balls. Take it as a "training" for future "purpose".


  2. By the way, there are steel stress ball.

  3. jason:'s a toy, it's just a toy, a poor innocent toy...poor green fella..mistaken for another purpose..

  4. yeeeaaaakkkkkk....ngeri @_@

  5. Reading this entry again reminds me of how 100% original you are as a blogger. LOL. Even taking pictures after disaster has happened. I have new found respect for you as a blogger. LOL.

  6. siloy: when i first saw it, i felt geli also hahaha but very fun to play one leh~ but too bad burst d

    jasonmumbles: thanks man! 100% blogger? hahaha lol. hey u dun rest too long leh!

  7. hahaha... 100% blogger... hahaha... fren, next time don't squeez too hard...

  8. cyen: okie i wont' heheheh

  9. kakakakaka.... mutan trash existed... damn good exaggerator n imaginator... u can write so long just on a ball... 'only a ball'!!! anyway, i would like to take this opportunity to congrats u n comment a bit on your new hairstyle... bravo... suites u alot... kekekekeke

  10. jeaf: since u know d word trash..u must b someone i know..someone not common..ah mun a!!!!! hahaha at first very short post but then it burst la!! so might as well kekeke btw, i smell disaster with my new hair..
