an evening wit MS.WENDY LIMPEICHIN(teeny) on MSN brought to you by " kauchalongkauchalong (xoxo)" radio station..
hungry says:i got myself a pair of contact lense d
tEeNy® says:got get colour lens ar??
hungry says:nope..i'm so green on tis topic...btw, y got two solutions to use meh?
tEeNy® says: wat solution..daily cleaner and?the solution.. the saline
hungry says:d one u use to "soak"yr lenses
tEeNy® says:the one i use to soak is multipurpose solution..not cheap... usually around 30 for 2 big bottles.. *now i feel like kena interview.... ahahaahah
hungry says:then d one u use to clean is which one? yr fren me..i mea yr multi-know-a-lot-of-things fren me now dunno something called contact lenses so hav to ask yr honour k
tEeNy®says:ahahaha... daily cleaner...must keep contact lens really clean, if not kena infection very cham..but use daily cleanser is better lor...
hungry says:so saline for?
tEeNy® says:multi purpose solution is more expensive one...saline u use to rinse only
hungry says:oic oic
tEeNy® says:soak must use multi purpose solution
.nversation goes n finally to the highlights...
tEeNy® says:very different hor.. eyes bigger also with specs like very nice to bully hor
hungry says:no a...i dun hav such prob
tEeNy® says:i'm talking about me la... who talking about u dun always pull spotlight to u can ar
hungry says:har ...yr eyes big meh?no wonder i dunno u r toking bout yrself
tEeNy® says:bigger la without specs...see.. pull spot light to yourself again...i know your eyes big ok...
hungry says:hahahahahahaha thank kew for spending time wit us, miss wendy
tEeNy®says:do i get a free copy?
hungry says:hopefully yr eys wil grow bigger in future k...oh sure
hungry says:safe this discussion n print it out la!wan signature????
moral of d story is..think wisely bfore you say anything muahahahahahahaha
p/s: d first time i took bout 20 mins to get them on.......second time 10 third time less than 1 min...I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF, yea aku bangga, bangga !!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
my latest toy!muahahahahahaha
my right eye hehehe can u c d lense?i found it pretty fit..hehehe
my left eye...c..c.c..i can c myself holding cam in my eye hehehehehe
i am so gonna b a lenglui now muahahahahahahahaha
(minus d lines around d eyes la..)
Monday, November 14, 2005
contact lense lessons 4 dummies (like me ;p)
heart to heart by
6:01 PM
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wahlau so long to put on? *faints* should learn from the pro *winks* choice la..but hey first timer less than 1 min..ok la tu...
ReplyDeletedun break it again o
Heh, last picture nice. How you took the pic? Make it center and looks exaxctly like the scene in Godzilla, where its eye is at the tunnel. :P
ReplyDeletesa: muahahaha lol at least i manage to keep it more than 1 day hehe so won't break le kua choi choi choi!!!!
ReplyDeletejason:lol..i am reading btween d lines leh...u r so gonna get from me :P
I see that coming already. I was just thinking will you post our chat or not and here you go... Next time chat with you must put a clause to protect my chat from appearing on your blog!
ReplyDeleteYou first timer, don't want to scare you. Got lots of scary stories. Like contact lens get lost behind your eyes and disappear forever... =oP
wendy: mauahahah lol u know me so well..i censored alot d la...c i care so much for yr face..hehe lol telling me scary stuff so tat i'l stop wearing them huh..but true also la..i heard quite a lot nonit mafan u d k! safe d stories for yrself ya~