Wednesday, September 07, 2005

day 2...

day 2 battle

gosh....i had d worst battle for d first time in my whole uni fact it was really like a real WAR in d exam hall....everybody was rushing against d time...

wasai imagine, v have to draw six advertisements and write one radio advertisement in jus 2 hours including the strategy statements (which consists of 7 main questions about who is your target audience, what is the big idea for your campaign, what's the tone of the advertisment and so on-ALL THESE need ELABORATION n EXPLANATION!! fuh~)

Besides, for each ad, v r require to write a piece of copysheet( a brief on the use of headline, slogan, visual, bodycopy and rationale for tat particular headline/visual/slogan)..haih..damn v hav to colour d ad still.....

fail to finish section b's ques (i left out d radio ad) cox i simply dun hav d time not too mention drawing n cracking brain for ideas..

q1. is about OLAY-v hav to do an ad campaign for tat..
q2. is about travel agency/an established cheese company- i picked d travel agency ad

d toughest part is trying to draw ad that is HUMOROUS yet related to the CULTURE n LIFESTYLE of the people in asia countries..humour=culture n lifestyle?wasai...
too complicated.....

my people in d ad actually turned from a person with eyes, ears, mouth, nose, complete body
shape to a stickman bcox of time constraint~~ poor thing..

pic from yahooimages

plus, my wisdom tooth is killing me, the bottom left wisdom tooth of mine has cause some swelling and tearing in d inner epidermis cox d tooth keep bitting and rubbing on my left face is swollen and whenever i move my chin up or to d right hand side, i can feel d muscle pulling from the neck.... damn! it's causing me headache too.....

as cacat as d owner, i hav 3 wisdom tooth tat actually grow in horizontal...all these need operation to pull it out...wish i could show u my x-ray film but i left it in tpg....anyway for futher info on wisdom teeth check TIS out..

original pic: wisdomtooth n calvin from googleimages


warrior report: perished....rescuing in ICU......

p/s: tis song somehow manage to creep into my mind..


me la d poor 猪子tat's been washed away in d exam~~

tomolo is a brand new day , GAMBADEH!!!! ouch!damn, my tooth is killing me...


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    ur exam question really really tough lo!!
    nit a lot of creative ideas leh..
    if i sit 4 da paper i sure die..
    wei,ur pig song veli cute hor..
    next time sing 4 me,k!!

    ok la, muz take care O!!!
    v chai chai fight until d end la!!!
    all da best n good luck...

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    oooo.... kill kill the pain~~~~~
    must win the war~~` gambateh~~~
    i give u strength....

  3. greeny: hahahahah sure next time sure sing for u...
    u too must take care!good la yr paper ending soon..but must still gambadeh k!!
    fight fight fight, kil kil kil, die die die hehehehe

    limei:hahahahahaha thank u for d strenght!!! totally load up d!!hehehe kil kil d pain=panadol panadol panadol......*pengsan* hehe

  4. jason:hahahaha cox they've been stduent b4 n thier lec treated them like tat too so now they wanna try it on us pula...die die...

    my tooth stil still causing pain till today, can u send your "gao beng" sooner? beh tahan, yea, it's not intellegent at all lol~~wasai
