these few days has been really tiring for me emotionally that hasn't officially startet yet..y? long story.... am handling a new project but it turn out that this might not b the line that i wan to be the same time, this new line is also a place where i am gonna to gain a lot of experiences..
come to think of it, everytime when i do not wish for something, that particular thing will happen for sure..for example, i dun wan to work in sales and yet today i found out that apart from event management, i'm doing sales as well...erm..the harder u try to get away the more they will come n approach you..but again, like i say, it's a long gonna do a lot of things relating to sales n event n pr..
on the other hand, the internet has been giving me a whole f**king week of trouble..travelling to and bk from low yat b4 work, after work, during weekend..if this continue, i'l die b4 the connection is, my D drive went nuts too wit no absolute hard disk is showing sign of quiting at any moment when it jus restart non stop at anytime it digital camera report itself too with a sign of 'system error'..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to go crazy soon!!!!not only that, dunno what the fuck have i ter-click, my MSN is down so basically i'm like lost all my connection with all my dearest frens..i had reinstalled it but somehow am unable to connect still (error :80048820, anyone can help?)
but now i guess i still can manage a little bit more because am learning to be independent and hope to be stronger..i know i will survive!!!! (at least that's what i hope.. *sigh*) as the saying goes, the bad things come at once and good things come after shall b a bright day afetr a heavy rain..
at times i can feel lonely as well for all my life is about waking up to work, then coming bk to clean up n sleep..n nothing more..i used to have ping accompanying me and crazy bunch of mates to yamchar..but now am staying too far from everyone, MSN is down and too tired after growing up ain't easy ain't at, dunno how on earth i still manage to gain weight!!! f**k!!!!!i am now as round as a ballon..a black one infact, i used to be fat fat, white white n smooth smooth..but now, fat fat, black black (i swim) then with pimples (lack of sleep)!!F**k!!!!!!!!! down cool down..i guess i have no choice but to go shopping this weekend..grrom myself n hope that when i dress good, i feel good...(let's pray that the new found figure will not cause depression instead)
life is still unsettle yet at the moment.. pray and hope that i will be stronger...missing everyone...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
new life new challenges..
heart to heart by
7:56 PM
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Tasha...I think u need a suitable Window to support the MSN u have upgraded, coz not every old Window support the latesr MSN version
ReplyDeleteFor ur work..i might say... sabar la , even thought sleep less, but WAT TO DO... Remember how hard we got the we got it...Dun blame lo...Shd be blessing rite..
U can DO it, Tasha..
YES GAmbateh
jason: wasai i really dunno wat to say..really appreciate it man, hey come to think of it..everytime i rant u will really give some advices which really help..thanks man, really appreciate it! no worry, i'm jus ranting n i will grow to b stronger kakakaka thanks ya... btw, i'm not sure if it's d msn actually, cox only msn n yahoomail can't access..i have wireless connection wondering if i had terset anything cox at the techinician shop evryhting is ok, so i guess not with d hardware but ratehr software.. bit torrent also very slow d..dun care la, me waiting for my software expert to help me this weekend..oh, shopping is a must la kakakakka joking joking, need to buy office wear..
ReplyDeletebtw, how's yr study n work?? i dun actually have the time to update myself too often so do keep in touch ya~ take care~
dreame: girl!!!!!!!! finally c ya d, wasai really la long time no c d..dunno wat's wrong wit my msn..not only msn, yahooamil also kenot log in..only this oruter really caused me a lot of prob..about work, no worry la, me very tough one ma kekeke but do miss u guys la~ last time not happy or boring got u ppl to kacau ma..must yam cahr one day k, chel ade promise me a place to sleep kakakakaka
plus wat u said is true, how hard was the process n now get it worry i will gambadeh!!!!!!u too leh!!! how's life? how's work??
wah, tash! cool down. haha, really funny to hear about your ramblings. but i always think that the more angry/frustrated u are, the more interesting your post is gonna be :P
ReplyDeleteean: hahahahaha lol!!*speechless*..u stil manage to shock me all this while a..kakak how's work? din update leh~ how's life??/ how r u?? wasai long time no c leh!! if got time we go trip again ya~ kekeke
ReplyDeleteengkai!! engkai!! hahahahaha... we still got lotsa beers in H&E, when wanna come over to finish it!!!
ReplyDeletesimmer down, my friend! :P the problems willb solved lah. no worries! you will be fine, trust me. yes, maybe soemthing's wrong with the windows.i am not sure, i am an idiot in computer thing. just want to be fine and good. *sigh.. working is never easy.. a lto of challenges awaiting us.. just cope with it, u can, iam sure. coz u are always an awesome girl. try your best!!liek me lagi teruk lah, full time lepaker, doign nothing in life besides wasting money and time.. wow.. will find a way out soon, will keep u updates with my doings.. :) take care ok? want to hear soem good news from you soon!!! muaks and cheers!" yeah!! will fix a day and we go out ok? :P need to have some kidnof gathering, i guess. :P muaks! talk to u soon..GOOD LUCK!
Kia Soo Lang, H&E : hahaha brother!! me wanna on diet yr wife meh, eat also tak gain wieght..u must have not let her eat leh~kakakak but ok la diet can wait, bila beer nite ceh? kakaka
ReplyDeletemyles: hey darling!!!thanks girl,thanks for havinconfidence in me..i hope u'l do fine also, no worry, things will fall into its place very soon...u know wat, i am very thankful to have very encouraging bunch of frens like u all, received rachel's sms so touched and really all your msgs keep my spirit burning..okok not exactly burning but alive still la..hehehe same goes to you leh, i have my confident in you and also if ever u need a fren, can always tell me ya! yea we should meet you know, chloe also long time din c her the mean time, you take care n ALL THE BEST!! wil always keep u bunch of crazy n sweet unimates in my prayer..
p/s: i actually i keep a lot of ppl in my prayer that sometimes i doze off halfway mentioning everyone's name...kakakaka perhaps i really need to stay alert if not the prayer dc b4 it reaches God hehehe
ReplyDeleteah blur was right.
do u stil remember how hard we got a job?
still remember the day u gone for interview on a rainy day n wearing high heel to attend interview?
still remember how i got cheated?
so..we shd cherish the job we have now.
got the experience, got the salary.
we don't expect all the stupid colleagues like us.
we don't.
work quietly and show that you have the capability.
we must show people that we can work compare to those stupid fellows who only talk gossips in the office, right?
come on gal..go for it.
we are still young, there are a lot of challenges waiting for us.
perhaps 10years later, what we experience now is jz a lil thing.
you're not alone. yeah, u're far away from us now.
but, you have us and we have you dude!
we love ya.
rachel: tell me frankly, as a fren, as a buddy ..dun lie to you really wwan to make me cry again so that you can tell evryone i cry in your room when i watched the movie?!!!
ReplyDeletehahahahaha thanks girl, no really am touched, really feel like sheading tears now kakaka...yea "i agree with both of you"!kakakaka no seriously, like ablur said, it's not easy to get job that time so no matter what i will kambadeh and work til the gals must too o!!! we will support each other k!but again seriously, those ppl damn can gossip la wasai..
but dun care la, we do our best rite as long as we do our best and live life with no regret!! kambadeh my fren!!! i know i have you ppl there and know this too that you all will always have me to be yr special sohay kakakaka anything i'l b there k!!MISS N LOVE YA ALL 2~ MUACKS!!!!!
dun worry bout me! i'l b strong n so does you all k! if you meet evryone, tell them i say i miss them n ake care o!! happy working n we shall meet hopefully very soon!