noted : *tis is jus a discussion...*
Was in d bus bk from uni jus now, n we were chatting about how I had once went to a 看命人life teller(out of curiosity) to c wat was my past life n wat wil b good in this life n how my future life would b (三生书)…then, tat is when ping asked me a question..
Ping= “do u think, yr past life, n yr present r living in year 2005 as u r now?”
I was like “ huh?”
Ping= “ I mean in 2005, but diff in time(as in pm/am) n diff dimension空间?”
Ping= “perhaps d time could b d same, but yr past is a diff (looks, gender, age) person but he/she is in 2005 of other dimension”
“Wait a min..i’m lost…”
Then he continued “do u think yr past is who r u now but in diff dimension, like a mirror, when u looked into it, u r actually looking at yr past”
I= “HUH???!!!! Man r u telling me tat all these while I’m living wit my past every morning, d one who’s in d mirror is my past???!!!!! Damn it creeps!!!!!”
“Duh , I can’t imagine d person in d mirror is actually alive damn!”
Then we go on n on n on..i was insisting for him to give me a very clearer pic of wat he is thinking at tat time..
Then finally I asked him..
I= “do u mean, now at 2005 , let’s say there r 3 dimension, my past, my present, my future..we r three diff person..perhaps doing d same thing..?”
Ping= “kind of but not quite”
I= "can’t be cox when ppl say past, it means tat u r dead probably during d Qing dynasty or during d 60’s then u became who u r today..then when u die in tis life..u wil b who u r in future..”
Ping= “that’s y…….ppl hav d same concept like yrs…..time plays a factor as in past, present, future….but no one ever thought tat who knows u r actually in 3 diff dimension..3 of u r at age of 22, living in year 2005, doing perhaps d same/diff thing..”
He then continues "let’s say, it’s not of a matter of time….but it is possible to hav yr past,present n future living in d same world but in diff dimension leading diff life..?”
I= “tat means, in different dimension, wat my past did in her dimension,5 minutes later after what she had done, it will cause me to do something or make a certain decision n wat action I took will give impact to my future who’s in other dimension 5 minutes later in my own dimension time?”
karma…something like karma…因果.. “ it doesn’t hav to b like I die some ten thousand years ago then only I hav such life now.. my past could b in different dimension doing smthg else tat affect me?”
“ but if my past dun die, I won’t present here..if I dun die, I dun hav my future..”
Ping” tat’s y yr brain is tis small (measuring wit his fingers lol..)....hahaha..u should think creatively..”
I was like “HUH???funny la u always come up wit such an abstract thoughts..….”-sweat-
we haven come to a conclusion but wat he says sure creeps me..imagine when u looked into d mirror, there’s someone who called yr past knows u n she's watching u while u r actually watching yr future yet yr future doesn’t know wonder they say, our greatest enemy is ourselves…
D moral of d story is…date someone who won’t tell u creepy stuff like tis n avoid scorpians..they r complicated...
p/s: Lol tis is so complicated, it’s alrite if u dun un..cox I dun un it myself too…so jus pretend nthg happened k..
btw, d life teller told me tat i was a male scholar in my past future i'l b a male too...

I am having headache after reading the whole post. -lol-
ReplyDeleteYeap, I agree with the moral of the story though. :P
jason: hahaha headache.. but one thing bout scorpians..they r very serious when they r in love... :)
ReplyDeleteahnee:hahaha u c he sioa ma?hahaha i dun un also lol...
mpfun:hi!i am very impressed ..seriously i dun think i'l b able to understand guys..i mean..c, u r able to tell wat he wanted to say, n seriously..i dun really un wat u say jus like how i dun un wat ping said..but anyway..hav fun reading yr comments..seriously!
ReplyDeletehahahaha...guess now, i shall avoid leo like u too hehehe
mpfun:after reading wat u've said for d second wit a more concentrated mind..i think i know wat u r trying to say..but still it is a fact...guys n gals r so different....
ReplyDeletethanks for dropping by..interesting..interesting..
sorry.. i just cant finished the whole post... i'm blur....
ReplyDeletei'm a person who live for present and future...
i don't believe in fortune telling.."their words would affect our present living style & they would lead our life miserable as well."
my advise...enjoy your present life and achieve yr goal while you're still here, on earth....most of all. treasure the one you love..
NEVER EVER look BAcK....
i'm getting more out of topic...
limei: so tired..jus finished my assignment..part of onli hehehe
ReplyDeleteyea very true..they wil influence d way u those who hasn't visit one..better dun go lol..
mpfun:hahaha hey u r bk..nice to meet keep in touch n continue giving such comments k so tat i'l learn to think jus like how u guys think hehehe