Friday, September 02, 2005

mr.spec +mr.fever

haih...very glad..dunno y..muahahahahahahaha

my lense happens to drop out from my black rectangular spectacles frame..
come to think of it, my spec always broke or d lense will simply drop out during exam seasons..
broke my purple colour frameless specs during SPM...
broke d same spec's lense during STPM...
then i step on my spec last year..was it during exam time?nvm..
then today my spec buat hal lagi..n now it's my final exam season wasai..

u know, they -as in my fellow MR.SPECTACLES- r very clever, they'l only create prob during d week b4 my exam or even during d exam week itself n not other days..
plus another problematic fellow, MR.FEVER , it's like a sure thingy...u know how best frens always sticks together..haih..
jus pray it won't happen tis time..had fever during PMR,SPM (biology paper-it was raining tat day too),STPM(math-statistic somemore..walau)

but dunno y..feel kinda glad today.....aha!perhaps it's d shiokness feeling of winning over my lazy brain n eyes!!muahahahaha nyaman-nia (凉-啊!!)

p/s: btw tis is a pic from neenee..THANK Q THANK Q MUACKS HUGZ!!!!! can help feeling tat not only YOU R PRETTY.....I AM PRETTY TOO!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHA beh tahan...
(neenee-d girl in d pic tat i nearly kissed d other day on my previous post)


  1. jason: wasai u r fast..i was jus playing wit d text colour la,amending my grammar mistakes la..though still got alot n i saw yr msg d..walau..

    btw, who's d angel n devil huh????!!! i think v look like fairies more like it muahahahaha

    plus, broke my spare spec too hehehe

  2. jason:hahahaha neenee wil b so mad hahahah yeah no spec is bk to normal d..btw, how to stop these bloody ppl advertising on my blog a? damn i can sue them for spamming man!
