Tuesday, August 09, 2005

funny hokkien...

was bout to post some pic on limei's ROM but d connection is too bad..perhaps tomolo so happens to saw tis in friendster..found it damn funny especially d last one hehehe..so, enjoy tis one first k!!

QUESTION: How do you know frogs are Hokkien?
ANSWER : Because when it's cold, they go "kwah, kwah, kwah".

QUESTION : How do Hokkien prawns laugh?
ANSWER: Hae hae hae (hokkien for prawns)

QUESTION: How do Hokkien fish laugh?
ANSWER : Hu hu hu (hokkien for fish)

And here is a classic..............
QUESTION : What's the difference between Ang-mor and Hokkien fairy Tales?
ANSWER: Ang-mor fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time..." and Hokkien fairy tales begin with "Lim Peh ka li kong..."


  1. hohoho...this is soooooo funny!!! i love the fish and prawn ones, damn good!!!

  2. hahahaha i prefer d last one haha btw..u un hokkine?? hehehe
    may god d weather is so so so bad...ll of us gotta take care o...
