been really bz these days not only with assignments n studies but also with burfdays...
we (bday girl-chris, wenzi n myself) went to sunway pyramid red box last monday to celebrate chris's bday.. usually v wil go there by pyee's car but bcox she had 2 meetings that day, so v decided to go shopping at sunway while v wait for pyee to join us later..
v then took a cab from ss17...again, this time v met another bloody taxi driver who doesn't know d way to sunway n yet pretended he knew it..instead of taking the federal highway, he took fine...but idiot was he, he began to ask us for direction half way through d journey when he is supposed to know d way since he had taken it from d start!!
we were lost since we r not familiar wit d road itself...after some discussion and so on the taxi driver said :
t.d : Apa, u orang college student a?
we : ya... (not wanting to let him know which uni students v r, guess tis is a normal reaction rite)
t.d : u don't study road a? ( indicating that v do notknow d way..duh!! like chris says, of cox v dun study road..wat to study hahahaha)
we were so bengang tat v stop answering him..then he took a big round from subang jaya(imagine how much more v hav to pay...haih..)
then, idiot him, he switched off d air-cond #$%#
but fine, we jus keep on toking n hoping to arrive soon, afterall u do not know wat wil happen if he suddenly went gila and drive us to somewhere else..tiba-tiba..
t.d : u nak pergi college atau pyramid.
we : pyramid la!! (we said so d first moment we stepped into d taxi duh!)
t.d : u bukan budak college?
i : U (university la~)
wenzi :UM( at d same time)
t.d : o.. (sounds a bit suprised..guess he has been thinking tat v r sunway college students). UM?
we : yes! (sorry la, UM frens hahahaha)
t.d : what course
i : journalism-reporter
wenzi : we do reporting on what happen everyday
t.d : o..(he sounds more shocked at this moment..he actually toned down his voice and said that it's a good job..he then asked us do not simply report things..hahahahah)
i : we will report the truth and nothing but the truth (hhahaha a good chance to scare him d..)
wenzi : we r good at complaining.. (hahah nice one!)
t.d : yala, but must report properly..
i : depends on situations la..we will tell the truth (wit d i'm-refering-to-how-u-taxi-driver-treated-us today tone) then v continued wit our attack..
wenzi : kami miskin, budak sekolah
t.d : tapi pergi shopping (at pyramid)
i : we r going there for a project (hehehe, v r good at telling lies.. :P )
wenzi : if go shopping we won't bring so many bags with us..we r just students, poor students..
he then began to laugh a bit, tok nicely and try to be nice to us but too bad we were about to reach...he then says thank u and he even charged us cheaper than wat d meter stated..(how much cheaper??? 10 cent nia la) hahahahahahahaha but still, if not i believe he wil ask for more..
so i guess being a journalist afterall do have some power.. :)
served him rite, padan muka! :P
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
the power of journalist..
heart to heart by
6:14 PM
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