Monday, September 03, 2007

just saying..

Caring is simple
Simple caring can be difficult

Fear might kept u safe
Fear might reminds you of your mistakes
But fear will also stops you from keep on moving

Your mind tell you what is right and what is not
Your heart tells you what is right may not be what you want,what is not might be just what you need

It hurts to fall
But through falling it shows falling isn't that hurtful after all

The world is complicated enough
Why makes your own world complicated still..
I hurt his feelings, by going against his wishes and thoughts..
I hurt my own thoughts and wishes, to protect his feelings..

love makes loving lovable yet stressful


  1. Anonymous1:42 AM

    It's so true... where did you get it from?

  2. anonymous: thank u for agreeing..i din't get it from anywhere.. it came straight from my own words..
    thank u for visiting!
